Monday, January 20, 2014

Music Monday

I've only got a few minutes to blog, so I thought I'd bop on in and quickly share a couple of suggestions to you my friends! I'm always looking for great music to listen to, and recently I've happened upon two "new to me" bands that I think are pretty great!
All Sons & Daughters. Many thank yous to Kelly's Korner for suggesting this gem. I have LOVED this cd so far. AS&D is kind of like a Kari-Jobe-meets-Civil-Wars-ish kind of sound (Edit: Hurried mom brain making its appearance here... I definitely intended to describe the second band, The Head and the Heart as being Civil Warsish. Sorry for anyone who looked into All Sons & Daughters and was confused. It's still totally worth checking out). It's so great. A little on the folksy side, but with great vocals and some majorly fantastic lyrics. You may not have a pulse if you're not prostrate and tearful by the end of "Brokenness Aside." It just feels more like authentic worship. It's good all over from start to finish.
The Head and the Heart. I read about this band in Relevant magazine and even though these guys aren't 'Christian' in nature, it's still a good little album. It's also a little folksy-slash-artsy, which is apparently what I'm most into these days. It kind of reminds me of older Gungor. My favorite song on this cd by far is "Gone," which just so happens to be the very last track. Some of the lyrics are a little on the strange side, but they're also devoid of coarse language, which I appreciate. This makes for some good, calming background music during Isaac's play times.

What new or "new to you" bands/music have you found recently?


Abby said...

We really liked Rend Collective Experiment. They led worship a few times at National Youth Workers Convention. They had a Mumford sound to us. They'll have a new song coming out this year called "My Lighthouse" that is fantastic!

Kathy said...

I recently discovered the group Red Roots. They are identical triplets who play rock-a-billy type folksy music. I can't get enough of them.

I'm going to check out those two albums you mentioned.

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