Mpact weekend has come to a close and what a fantastic weekend it was! Everyone's a little tired, had a little too much junk food and most importantly is full of Jesus! Our theme this year was "Roots" and it concentrated on getting back to the basics. We took the weekend to work on the foundation of our faith, which is something everyone needs to revisit from time to time. It was rewarding and fun and exciting and lots of other positive adjective words.
Here's a pictorial recap of the weekend:

Orange Team

Of course, the bad weather wasnt exclusive to south Texas, as a great deal of the state got blanketed with snow and ice. Unfortunately, the James Curlin Band was booked to perform both Friday night and Saturday night and was never able to get out of Waco due to the snow and ice. But some of our student leaders had connections and were able to get a band in at the absolute last minute to play at the Saturday night service.

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