I spent much of this past week out in my yard salvaging some flower beds. Lots of bugs, weed pulling, digging and sunburning later, I am really proud of my beds. Before you go expecting some major great landscaping, just to clarify, I'd never really consider myself a green thumb. To further reinforce this fact, you should know there are no "Before" pictures. Only "Afters."
But in all fairness, to get the full experience, just imagine pictures of completely weeded-out beds. As in, you may not even realize that it was at one point a flower bed because there are no discernible borders. Only crabgrass.
Farewell dastardly crabgrass.
Feast your eyes.

We got Mandevilla, Bouganvillea, Lily of the Nile, Lantana and something else I dont remember the name of. Many of these lovely flowering plants grow to be quite large and I'm hoping that one day I'll be excited to show off my lush backyard tropical oasis.
That might be a bit much.

Something that looks like this:
Looks great! I love peeking at other people's flowers! Hope they grow fast!
Hi. Found you from...huh...where was it? Oh...In No Simple Language. Ha! Had to go back and check. :)
I'm a South Florida girl, but apparently we have all the same plants! Basically, wherever it's really HOT these things grow!
The plumbago is gorgeous but it will take over if you don't trim it! ;)
I'm not much of a green thumb either. In fact, I was completely flabbergasted that an orchid I "forgot" about under a tree is blooming right now. I was like "really?" It certainly wasn't b/c of anything I did! ;)
Here's to no more crabgrass. It makes me crabby, too.
Sophisticated Steps
Ok. So after leaving you somewhere in the range of 324 comments, I'm in. Clicked to follow!
It could have something to do with the softspot I have in my heart for Jesus...and TX. ;) My dad was born in Del Rio - can we say barely a US citizen? - haha! He grew up in Seguin, then went to Baylor and met my mom there (and her parents moved to Dallas). Then lived in Ft. Worth where my brother was born. I still have lots of family in Houston, Runge (tiny, tiny place! Like one flashing light!) and Seguin. Whew! Oh...and my daddy's a minister. :) So, I think I'm in good company.
Total side note - I'm doing a giveaway on my blog with purposes to spread the word about a Christian organization that feeds hungry children: "Feed My Starving Children" - have you heard of it?
Sophisticated Steps
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