If there wasn't enough evidence already that this baby is so very loved, then here's yet another outpouring of love and support. Our church family threw us a beautiful shower and I am once again just absolutely speechless. Jordan and I are so incredibly blessed to be surrounded on all corners and from one side of the country to... well.. Texas with friends and family who truly love and encourage us. I honestly don't even feel worthy of such overwhelming generosity.
The Lord has certainly blessed us abundantly.
The post is going to be pretty picture heavy, as I received almost 300 shots from this shower and have pared them down to just a handful. Many thanks to Laura who was our "official" shower photographer and was nice enough to put up with me as I pulled her all through the house and outside and then back inside to take special pictures with some very special people. I could fill 7 more blog posts with sweet photos and stories of the guests and gifts (but I'll spare you!).
My sweet sweet friend Bethany was kind enough to open her house for the shower. She and the other hostesses did a fantastic job both decorating and adding little personal touches. On this little table were little cards that each guest could write a message on. I'll put all the messages together in the baby's scrapbook whenever I get around to starting it. |
And here's another fun little touch. Each guest was encouraged to pick either a mustache or a purse to declare their opinion on whether baby M is a boy or a girl! Too cute!!! |
Sweet prayers over this sweet baby. |
And here's the biggest and most special surprise of all! My mom flew all the way from Georgia to be at the shower. I was completely COMPLETELY surprised! If you could see my face in this photo, you would see some pretty substantial weeping going on. It was a really special moment that still makes my chest tighten when I think about it. |
My sweet friend Jessica and I. She is nice enough to co teach a sunday school class with me. Truth be told, she's really the leader and excels at challenging a group of high school girls each and every week while I sit there like a bump on a log. She's the best and had better watch out for the prayer warriors in our class (who both prayed for her marriage when she wasn't engaged and prayed for my baby when I wasn't pregnant. My guess is that they're praying baby vibes on her too.) |
Some (but not all!!!) of the shower hostesses! I think in total there were 19 incredible women who invested their time and talent to bless the socks off of me and this baby. Who incidentally doesn't wear socks yet. |
One of my very dearest friends, Catherine. She neither attends our church nor lives in Rockport or anywhere nearby for that matter. She was awesome enough to drive all the way from DFW to be a hostess. Freakin love her. |
Another shot of my mom & I |
Jordan's mom and sister (and cutie Ava!) were also kind enough to travel into town to be at the shower! |
Here's a shot of the sweet girls who came along to the shower. It's a mixed group of gals who are just coming into the 7th grade and brand new to our student ministry, many who have been growing with us and a few who are in college now but still come around and visit every once in a while! These girls are so stinkin excited about this little one, I think a few of them just might lose their minds completely when baby M makes its appearance! Love these girls! |
Don't worry- this is the last and final baby shower post! I just can't say enough thank yous to everyone who was involved. I should add that to my "to-do's before I'm due" list: finish all baby shower thank you cards! I've actually been adding and updating my
35/35 list! It's been nice having a place to keep track of things that I've done and things that are yet to be done. Who would've thought?!
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