Friday, August 8, 2014

More Summer Adventures

So my summer adventures with ^^^ this one  ^^^ have been so much fun. I promise I'll post about this soon too, but I just can NOT get over how much he has grown up over the summer. His second birthday is seriously right around the corner. He just makes my heart melt every single day. Some days he also makes me want to pull my hair out. One thing is definitely true: life with a toddler is an adventure.
Most recently (ok, like 2 weeks ago), Isaac and I drove up to the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Jordan was away for his second week of summer camp, so we packed up and made the lonnnnnnnng (8+hrs with stops) drive to Argyle. My dearest friend and her kiddos had driven down from their new home in Illinois to visit family, so we came to her to stay and catch up for several days. I'm going to be honest: the thought of driving by myself with a toddler that distance made me so anxious I nearly broke out in hives. And no surprise… he did SO well. We took our time stopping several times on our way up and back, which I'm certain was our saving grace. I also made sure our longest stretch of driving was over his typical post-lunch nap time.  I'm so thankful I didn't let my anxiety overwhelm me to the point of backing out.
It was such a sweet time. Both for me to spend with my friend and for Isaac to play with kiddos close to his age. They played hard every minute of every day! The house we stayed at had a pool, which was well used, plenty of toys, which were strewn from one side of the house to the other and lots of land to roam around. I think Isaac entertained the big kids just as much as they entertained him! (if not more!!) He is such a people person, and I pray my own introvertedness doesn't rub off on him down the road. I hope he always has a smile and a "HI!" for everyone he meets.
In the end, I think we both left with full hearts. I'm excited for our next mommy-son adventure, but it was also really REALLY good to be reunited with Dada again!

Sweet Friends!!!

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