My newest culinary conquering? Biscuits.
I LOVE breakfast. L.O.V.E. it! Nothing makes me happier than having breakfast for dinner! (well, maybe not nothing...) So I decided to take on something that intimidated me. Intimidation = biscuits!
You'll notice 2 things in the photo below; 1. my trusty can of Bush's baked beans and 2. no PW cookbook! I've heard what some folks are saying about my PW obsession (which, since we are discussing PW, everyone should check out her tasty kitchen blog. Theres a kitchenaid giveaway going on today and for every entry, PW is donating 10 cents to Haiti earthquake relief!!!). I'm open to other cookbooks, and as proof, I used a Southern Living cookbook for my biscuit recipe. I mean, who knows better when it comes to biscuits - a Rancher's Wife from Oklahoma or good ol Southern Living?

So shortly after beginning assembly, I had a slight accident.
I cut my finger. Gory pictures are to follow, so scroll quickly past if you're bloody-squeamish. I never thought I was bloody-squeamish until I saw my own blood pouring out of my finger and suddenly was overcome with hot & queasy feelings.
What's worse? I cut my finger with a simple steak knife while cubing butter. Dork.
I did not (repeat, DID NOT) knead my biscuits with a bloody finger. Promise.
Here comes aforementioned gory picture...
After my little injury (and subsequent queasiness), hubby was nice enough to take over making our breakfast dinner and I went and sat with my head between my knees.
The little leftovers (to the left side of the pan) were a little crispy to be called biscuits, but the middle ones were perfect! Brush on a little melted butter and you have fluffy/salty/hot perfection.
Now to decide on a sweet topping...
ooh those look delish. I have definitely not mastered biscuits yet. On a side your kitchen cabinets.
head between legs..yeah right. you watch blood rush out of vaginas all day long. :)
good job! your biscuits look yummy and I just want to tell ya - I love PW! I entered the kitchenaid giveway, of course I didn't win but money was donated to Haiti. I also left a comment on her confessions - she was donating 10 cent for every comment that was left. That's pretty cool!
Tell Jordan I said Hi! Love ya,
Sorry for my post .Where i can watch more info about?
no need for fancy biscuit cutter...use the rim of a round drinking glass....
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