Wow, 2010 is tomorrow?
2009 was a year of big BIG changes for Jordan and I. Here's a quick recap of what we experienced from January to December (This is what would have gone on a Christmas letter... if I'd written one!)
In January we started sending out resumes big time. Jordan started his very last semester of seminary and it was time to start thinking of our next big move. By February, we'd gotten a few interests and started visiting churches. We went to Mt Belvieu, TX and both knew pretty immediately this wasnt the place for us. A week later, we visited Rockport and both knew pretty immediately this WAS the place for us. A week later, I ran and finished the Cowtown Half Marathon. When March rolled around, Jordan was ordained and went from Mr. Jordan Mims to Rev. Jordan Mims. I dont remember if it was March or April that we revisited FBC Rockport, but it was another great visit that left us really excited about the next step. Also in April, I took a trip to New York City (my first EVER!) with a few of my coworkers. It was a great trip and I look forward to going back one day with my husband. May comes through and our life really begins to look different. Jordan graduates from seminary with a Masters of Divinity. We made one last trip to Rockport as non FBC-ers and were voted in as Youth Pastor (and pastor's wife). We started packing up our little bear cave and by mid-June we had moved and become official Rockport-ians. I started working at Bay Area Medical Center (L&D of course) at the end of the month. We closed on our first home in August and started moving into a space almost 3 times larger (with a 3x larger monthly payment!) than our seminary apartment. We also increased the size of our little Mims family by one furry little member. Mauve isnt so little anymore though! Mr Mims had a massive hemorrhagic stroke (an 8cm bleed!), spent several days in Intensive Care at Methodist downtown Houston and then 7 weeks in SugarLand Rehab Hospital. The same week Mr. Mims was in ICU, Mauve started having diarrhea. Boo. My mom got remarried in October. Then this past month, Casey and Duane got engaged (finally!) and then Jordan's Papa died very unexpectedly and we spent a few days in Augusta. Overall, we have been overwhelmed by the goodness and grace of our Redeemer & Lord.
We already have so much to look forward to in 2010... Duane & Casey's wedding (12/11/10!), Nathanael & Brittany's wedding (6/6/10!), a trip to DisneyWorld, and our 4 year wedding anniversary!!!

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