Has anyone else been watching this year's olympics?
Jordan and I have been keeping up with various events and races. Jordan's taken a liking to curling, a "sport" that I dont find exciting or interesting or athletic. I also think he likes watching any sport where people can wipe out.

I am and will always be a figure skating fan. I also like the half-pipe and skeleton/bobsled/luge. Those folks are nuts. Totally nuts. I have determined that the way you can tell that someone is an olympian is that they make their sport look effortless. Except maybe the moguls, those look hard.

And Mauve's favorite sport is men's figure skating.
we have definitely been watching! we've actually watched more women's curling than anything else (because that's what's been on when we can watch)! the Olympics are fun!
i'm super scared to sign up for a half right now...although november is a ways away. i don't even know how to wrap my mind around 13 miles. i'm struggling with 2.5 right now. pointers??
it would be super fun though. what's the deadline for sign ups?
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